公告 / Announcements

*邀請你加入禮儀服務員的行列, 為主服務, 協助禮儀妥善進行.......,

向 Franciscus 查詢詳情及報名。謝謝!

*嬰兒或兒童領洗:將會安排在每年 4

月,8 月,12 月的第 三個主日在彌撒


盡 早向 Bernadette 登記。

Liturgical Ministry Volunteers

Please contact Franciscus if you would like to join the ministry and serve our Lord. Thanks!

Baptismal Registration

Anyone who wishes to have their children baptized,

please contact Bernadette for registration.

We schedule baptisms every third Sunday in the months of April, August, and December.